Ofsted (Armley)

                                                                            OFSTED URN: EY559224 January 2019 Ofsted Findings...

Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment is Good

Staff have a good understanding of how children learn through a balance of play and planned activities. Staff identify children's next steps in learning through detailed observations. Children have opportunities to freely explore their environment and to make choices while they play and learn. Children are very happy to lead their own learning and become absorbed in their play. They really enjoy making roads and garages for cars and making pretend drinks for each other. Parents are positive about the nursery and describe staff as being friendly and supportive. They especially appreciate how the staff support their children to learn to communicate in English. Staff share nursery policies, children's learning journals and assessments with parents to keep them informed. They are given activities and information on how they can continue to support children's learning at home.

Effectiveness of leadership and management is good
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff have a good understanding of keeping children protected from harm. They know who to contact should they have any concerns about a child's welfare. The manager follows effective recruitment and induction systems to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff have completed first-aid training. Procedures for when a child may need medical attention are in place. Accidents and any existing injuries a child arrives at nursery with are logged on a secure electronic system and parents are informed. Procedures for parents and staff raising concerns or complaints are in place, recorded and managed in line with the setting's complaints policy. There are effective systems for monitoring staff's performance. The manager has implemented a detailed programme of professional development for all staff to raise the quality of their practice and teaching.
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Outcomes for Children are Good

All children are making solid progress in their learning and development. Children demonstrate they are gaining the skills which help them to become active learners. Toddlers develop a growing awareness of information technology. They enjoy pressing the buttons on a giant electronic pad to make pictures. Older children relish finding fruit and vegetables hidden in shredded paper and making pretend meals for their friends. All child ren, including those in receipt of extra funding, are learning the skills they need for the move to school.

Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare are Good

Children develop warm, affectionate relationships with their key person and confidently approach them for support and reassurance. Effective arrangements for children who need to sleep during the day are in place. Children develop a good understanding of the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. They enjoy nutritious snacks and meals. Physical activities and exercise are well promoted throughout the day. Children enjoy running, riding wheeled toys and negotiating obstacles outdoors.

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